Friday, September 13, 2024


I am writing a detailed review of the book "Beyond Good and Evil." It was written by one of the well-known German philosophers, Fridrich Nietzsche, in 1886 in Germany. The book genre is philosophy. It tends to widen our worldview. The author speaks about six life struggle topics. The book's meaning is that we can reach the truth by questioning everything and through our strong character.

I like the uniqueness of the book. Nietzsche has rational ideas about dogmatism, free thinkers, religion, and nobility by changing our mindset, which can positively influence our societies worldwide. The only discomfort we can feel while reading this book is its innovative ideas, which are not always easy to perceive.




In the preface of his book, Nietzsche gives a very provocative question. What if the truth is a woman? It means that philosophers, having dogmatic minds, do not understand women. Their methods to reach the truth are unsuccessful and indecent to gain a woman's heart. According to him, a philosophers' dogmatism represents the absolute truth without bringing any justification. They think the foundations of their doctrines are axioms, simple principles without proof, but they are childish prejudices. A human is a curious creature, but Nietzsche is surprised that a human is seldom interested in the value of the truth. He also questions the idea of contradictions, mentioning that the truth can be born from mistakes and vice versa.

Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche, Friedrich, Zimmern, Helen: 9781537259888: Books


1. Philosopher's dogmatism

At first, Nietzsche criticizes Stoics, Kant, materialists, Schopenhauer, etc., underscoring their dependence on prejudices. According to him, the universe changes, and a strong character forms the base of the change. It struggles for independence, dominance, and power over others.


2. Independent thinkers

Secondly, Nietzsche mentions that independence is a privilege for strong ones. They motivate themselves to reach it. They are daring as they step into the world where the dangers multiply at every step. Their minds are free, without prejudices. Freedom rises as a result of social communication. It is difficult for others to understand the one who has inner freedom. That is why he passes his failures and successes alone. He thinks that most people simplify the truth, which takes the place of the deep one. Superficial but beautiful ideas can bring us to wrong conclusions. Truth can be the result of ignorance. In Nietzsche's opinion, we should have a free mind and be free thinkers to change the world. We should not depend on anything, even our ideas, and be ready to review them.


3: Religious essence.

Thirdly, Nietzsche mentions that though modern society tends to be skeptical towards religions, it has a religious spirit. It has assumed immolation throughout humankind's history. Humans and animals became objects for it. The nature of immolation changed as the religions replaced each other. Moreover, religion is a powerful tool for ruling the masses. There is a contradiction between religion and science, as they are too different. He underlines that science is a new religion. However, Nietzsche thinks it is dangerous to lose faith in supernatural power: we will lose the meaning of life and subject ourselves to nihilism and pessimism. He mentions that loving for the sake of God is the most honest and highest feeling we have reached. 

4. Thus spoke Nietzsche

It comprises 120 short ideas. They are not systematized and refer to different topics, whereas Nietzsche concentrates on a human's strong character.

5. Honesty is the highest virtue

Even people with free minds have some beliefs. Many people think we should avoid suffering, while Nietzsche ensures we can gain from it. It can become one part of creative work, making a person better than before. He feels sorry for people who deny their inner creativity, tending to adjust to the demands of modern society. According to him, the ideal philosopher should have one of the best human virtues: honesty. It is necessary to see our prejudiced approaches and change them.

6 Noble human

In Nietzsche's opinion, social hierarchy is necessary for universal human wellness. There should be humans in every society who stand above due to their merits and rule those who are below. Life is a power struggle. He states that a nobleman feels like a value creator. He does not wait to be proved by others. Pleasing others and vanity are not acceptable to him. The author thinks that elementary things always dominate people. People tend to believe that others' opinions are correct; consequently, what is outside of usual limits and is exceptional is not easy to accept. Moreover, people with exclusive minds often feel isolated, but respect their personalities and don't need supporters. 

In conclusion, according to Nietzsche, clever people decide based on the information they get, even if they contradict things. They do not speak up the truth. They try to look at it from different aspects. Nietzsche aims to show the philosophers that they should explore new methods, overcome prejudices, and pass beyond good and evil. Moreover, I have also read "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Fridrich Nietzsche, where he advanced the theory of Superman, one with high values who overcomes himself and continuously moves forward as a character. These books motivate us to become our better selves. I would recommend reading both books. They should be part of our libraries as chosen books and spread worldwide.


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