Today, let's discuss the ways of happiness and its aspects from the viewpoints of psychology and philosophy. Happiness is an inner phenomenon. It is a journey, not an aim. We should work on our mentality to become happier. There are some easy ways to develop happiness.
Expression of gratitude
Engagement in activities
Thus, as mentioned above, we should also be engaged in certain activities that bring us happiness. We need to take a pen and write things we are good at. We all have particular skills and talents like painting, cooking, swimming, creative composition, etc. Such things give us a sense of purpose in our life.
Creating new bonds with people
The next thing that we can do is to develop friendships with people. It is essential for us to feel fulfillment around the people who support and motivate us. We all have people who make strong emotional bonds with us. The productive and developing social connections can have a very positive impact on our overall well-being. We should also keep positivity and be positive towards others, sending more positive feelings to them.
Healthy lifestyle:
Doing physical exercises every week twice or three times is essential. Not only workouts but also all kinds of sports give us lots of beneficial things. Taking care of our physical condition through regular physical exercises, healthy diets, and enough sleep can also influence our discipline and concentration, keeping us motivated with a positive outlook. It says, "A healthy soul lives in a healthy body".Thus, physical activities also include running, swimming, boxing, etc.
Meditation is also a good resource of happiness, as it releases us from the subconscious inner blockages and miseries. We feel less stressed, and we become totally at ease with ourselves. We began to focus on the present moment and let go of our worries concerning the past or future. Meditations and deep breathing exercises Pranayama can help us stay present and centered. It gives us inner wisdom to move forward with tolerance and resistance. Doing meditation gives us warm feelings and a great sense of presence.

Living with a purpose
For moving forward, we should have realistic goals and work towards their implementation. Having goals makes us continue our lives with a great sense of grace and self-confidence. It can also give a sense of readiness, purpose, and direction. Big goals very often exhaust us and make us procrastinate. Thus, it is essential to divide them into achievable aims or steps and work separately on them every day without losing time. Time is the most precious thing in our lives.
Self rewards
We should love ourselves and don't neglect our personality to become happier. First of all, we should become self-reliant. We should comprehend and treat ourselves kindly. Kindness and understanding can be reflected to people only when we are self-sufficient and happy, especially when we look at ourselves in the mirror. We should be gentle toward us, even if we sometimes want to criticize us badly. When we do a great deal of stuff, we should reward ourselves with small things, not be burnt up emotionally after a pile of hard work. At those moments, we will live micro-happy moments, which will support our happiness.
Self-development as a positive side of happiness
We should always try to find new positive experiences and challenges. As Armenian historian Eghishe once said, "Every evil comes from ignorance". Thus, enlightenment comes only when we try to learn something, create new things, and step out of our comfort zone. It makes us to become evolve personalities. We become proud of ourselves due to our hard work and resistance, which is one of the best feelings that one can feel as a kind of happiness.
Forgiveness as the best remedy
Forgiveness is the best remedy for our souls. We should always practice forgiveness, as holding grudges can leave heavy trails on us. If we hold grudges, we will feel exhausted energy. When we are out of such negative thoughts, we will find peace. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting but deep self-perception when we comprehend ourselves so well that we can cultivate inner strength to find out why we were treated negatively by certain people. We are the only ones to blame, as we try to please others instead of us. Because of this, people change their attitude towards us and try to exploit us, taking us for granted. if we want to be accepted by society wholly, we should learn to love ourselves first. It is nice to put communication limits in case of necessity and find the true colors of happiness.
Mindest as a master of our happiness
We should be free of others' negative beliefs to become happier. As it says, "You are not what others think about you, you are the one you think you are''. We should neglect negative ideas and only listen to those who are always there for us. For a positive mind, we can just read nice books. For instance, the Greats' biographies, who have done and continue to do something incredible for the world we live in.

Psychological aspects of happiness
Philosophical aspects of happiness
In conclusion, happiness is a complex concept studied by many professional psychologists and philosophers for centuries, who try to answer one question ''What is happiness? They did not only give us phenomenal thoughts but rules to live life fully without suffering.